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Michael Bloch
A former senior partner at McKinsey & Company where he spent 23 years. Founded Israel Impact Partners and works with some of the biggest names in the philanthropy and NGO world.
R’ Aaron Lopinasky
Rosh Yeshiva of Greater Washington. Prolific and original thinker, he is one of the most sought after voices of sanity in today's generation. R' Lopiansky is a son in law of the late R` Beinish Finkel, who was one of the key builders of the Mir Yeshiva.
Rachel Freier
Judge Rachel Freier, a trailblazer, is known for breaking barriers as the first Hasidic Jewish woman elected as a civil court judge in New York City.
R’ Yaakov Haber
Founder of Mosaica Press publishing house, Rabbi Haber has been a community Rabbi for over half a decade. Former National Director of the OU. R' Haber is a writer, leader, and innovator and guide to thousands of families from Israel and beyond.
Rivka Ravitz
Chief of Staff for the former President of Israel Reuven Rivlin. President Biden famously kneeled before her upon finding out that Rivka was a Charedi mother of 12 children.
Shaul Miller
An authority on education today. Shaul's father is a Rosh Yeshiva of Ponevezh and grandson of R' Elyashiv. R. Shaul Miller is Principal of one of the fastest growing schools in Israel.

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